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Found 23335 results for any of the keywords bbl foods. Time 0.008 seconds.
Principles - BBL FoodsWe BBL Foods Private Limited Hyderabad India as the managing director of Group Companies under the Banner of BBL Foods are one of the Leading Machine Suppliers for food categories as listed below. We also offer total pro
Golgappa line supplier| Sandwich cake plantFor your Golgappa or Sandwich plants, we at BBL Foods help with compact designs, which requires very minimal maintenance as per your budget
Cookie Plant | Layer cake plant suppliers | 5 roll refiner machineryBBL Foods, pioneer in supply of machinery for Layer Cake and Cookie Plants across India. Quality products and do Project Management consulting
Cupcake line suppliers | Baked chips plant supplierswe at BBL Foods offering, low price, best designed backed chips plant and cupcake line supply. Contact us for the details
Candy plant | Chikkies bar line supplier | chocolate moulding machinesBBL Foods is two decades old, food moulding-lines suppliers, enabling you to get quality machines at lowest price for your plants.
About Us - BBL FoodsBBL is a family owned company and was formerly called as AMBER, started in 1976 by Shri Balvinder Pal Singh and Mr. Avninder Mutchall. The first plant was inaugurated by then the Chief minister Shri J.Vengal Rao.From las
Project management consultants | innovative food machineryBBL Foods provides Project Management Consulting for Food manufacturing machinery besides required engineering services and support for food projects in any volume.
Miniature/ Lab Chocolate Processing unit - BBL FoodsFirst Time in India Miniature Chocolate Processing Lab to produce finest of chocolate from 4 kgs to 50 kgs/hr bringing down the particle size of chocolate upto 25 microns.
Biscuit Machine manufacturer | Snack line supplierBBL Foods is a Leader in supply of Biscuit Machines and snack line throughout India and worldwide based on our clients and partners requirements
Automatic toast plant supplier | Pasta line supplierIf you are in need of setting up an automatic toast plant and pasta line, you can reach us for quality products for your plants at an economical rate.
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